Shows Report
North American League

Shows For AMSTRONG DE MOYON / Riley McKesson

Date Show Place Multiplier Points
5306/12/2024LOUDOUN BENEFIT511110.00
2338504/10/2024ESP SPRING 2516160.00
3328185/1/2024TRYON SPRING 1216240.00
3328195/8/2024TRYON SPRING 2211165.00
34020112/28/2023ESP HOLIDAY FINALE817136.00
1393/5/2024WEF 9637333.00
2002/13/2024WEF 6721168.00
50271/16/2024WEF 2839312.00

TOTAL : 1,624.00

* No points were earned as rider did not have a current membership at time of show

** Show does not count in top shows

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