Shows Report
North American League

Shows For RSH HUNTER V / Ellis Heiser

Date Show Place Multiplier Points
33639412/14/2023TEXAS WINTER FROST FIRE71976.00
314/2/2024PIN OAK CHARITY112142.00
54525/9/2024FIESTA CLASSIC6945.00
2497286/13/2024BLUE RIBBON SUMMER FESTIVAL I27154.00
2660296/20/2024BLUE RIBBON SUMMER FESTIVAL II3678.00
3172775/2/2024GREAT SOUTHWEST ROUND UP71560.00
3177464/10/2024PIN OAK CHARITY HORSE SHOW III92884.00

TOTAL : 539.00

* No points were earned as rider did not have a current membership at time of show

** Show does not count in top shows

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